Muslim Abdisaid Mohammed AKA Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda | Who Knew

Since Chrome (Google) would not let me even search for this guys story using his Muslim name, I leave it to my readers to search for the truth.



The problem we have is, there really is no sure way to distinguish apostate peaceful Muslims from Mohammadans unless they open their mouths and separate themselves by word and deed.

No, I am not willing to allow them to subjugate America through whatever methods they choose. I am not willing to play their version of russian roulette.


The Mall of America suspect’s real name is ABDISAID MOHAMED. He legally changed his name to Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda. Muslim Jihad.

Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda, 24, lives in Ilhan Omar’s district in Minneapolis. 😡🇺🇸

Check out @AngelaClar1’s Tweet:


Check out @HR_Texas’s Tweet:


Check out @ModernCortes’s Tweet:


Man suspected of randomly throwing/pushing boy from MOA balcony had prior violent incidents at mall – Twin Cities


We’re learning more about the man arrested for throwing child off Mall of America balcony |

This entry was posted in #RcWire.

32 comments on “Muslim Abdisaid Mohammed AKA Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda | Who Knew

  1. timgibson2330 says:

    I’m holding my breath now.


  2. David Keith says:

    So, I found a problem with the link between Aranda and Abdisaid.

    Abdisaid was arrested in Minnesota in January 2014 for illegal possession of a firearm, and spent the next year and a half appealing the charge in court.

    Aranda was arrested in Chicago in August 2014 for assault, and again in April 2015.

    The likelihood of these two people being the same person is highly unlikely, given that they were in two different places in the same time period with two separate arrest records. Plus, Abdisaid wouldn’t be able to legally change his name while the Minnesota court proceedings were ongoing; if he had, the August 2015 appeal would have stated his new legal name. Ergo, he cannot be Aranda in Chicago in August 2014.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Linda R. says:

    CBS knew about this problem in Omar’s district 2 years ago. Will they tie this together and revisit their story? NO!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. RedRider says:

    Why is there no background info on this guy? I found 1 report says he was born in Cook County, but where did he go to school? Who are his parents & why are there no interviews with them? When did he move to MN & what did he do there? I can find no interviews with neighbors, friends, co-workers. No mention of his religious affiliations, no address or reports on his social media posts. No one seems to be looking into this guy at all………….I wonder why.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Janelle says:

    Please continue to pray for Landen and a complete recovery, both physically and mentally! Praise God he is stabilized with many broken bones, but no spinal cord injuries! This is the 3rd “known” incident with a jihadist muslim inside the MOA.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Joseph Costa says:

    Another of the Somali Muslims who instead of assimilating want to Turn the USA into Somalia.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The Tactical Hermit says:

    Reblogged this on The Tactical Hermit and commented:
    More about the Mall of America Incident.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. says:

    Check out his Chicago arrest sheet. CB #18961679

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Jim Acosta says:

    That’s NOT the guy. The resemblance is totally insane and I thought it was him as well but one has to be skeptical and try to disprove it before accepting it. If you search for ABDISAID MOHAMED you’ll come up eventually with mugshots for a guy named Abdisaid Ahmed Mohamed which could be Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda twin but it’s NOT him. The reason I say this is that if you look at the age of the man in the arrest records…there is no way he was 21 years old in 2008 and is 24 years old in 2019.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would have researched more but I wasn’t getting any results returned.


    • LDPeavy says:

      Hmmmm. I look at his hairline. That’s pretty far back male patter baldness for a 24 year old. This is a deep rabbit hole.


    • cobaltmagic says:

      Mr. Acosta eh? The record indeed does have the Aranda man as age 20 in 2015—-so that’s a match for age 24 in 2019. Unless you failed basic arithmetic=metic.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Jim Acosta says:

        Uhmm.. WHAT are you talking about?

        This guy is not ABDISAID MOHAMED. Yes there is a record of Aranda where the age matches up but what does that have to do with anything here? We were trying to determine if Aranda is this Mohamed guy. He isn’t..

        Try to pay attention before you allow the paranoia to take over.


  10. Dave Sawyer says:

    I knew all the time when a radical Muslim commits any horrible crime that the Mainstream Marxist Media covers up totally where these IslamoNazis are really from & they are so arrogant but even more so when praying for all the perps to finally be Christians or Jews. What else can you expect from everyone in The Communist Democrat Party with their unholy alliance with Radical Islam!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. JustMwa says:

    Hope the Child’s family sues the City!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. paris23 says:

    God bless this little boy. I pray for his full recovery.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pattie Vazquez says:

    Sick people in the old good USA, just remember God knows everything. God bless the USA.

    Liked by 1 person

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